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Class Descriptions



POUND Fitness

POUND is a full-body cardio jam session, combining light resistance with constant simulated drumming. The workout fuses cardio, Pilates, isometric movements, plyometrics and Isometric poses into a 45-minute series. Burn between 400 and 900+ calories per hour, strengthen and sculpt infrequently used muscles, and drum your way to a leaner, slimmer physique – all while rocking out to your favorite music!


Through continual upper body motion using our lightly weighted drumsticks, called Ripstix™, you’ll turn into a calorie-torching drummer, POUNDing off pounds as each song flies by. Rock, rap, dubstep, pop and old school music fuse to create the POUNDtrack series,




R.I.P.P.E.D. - The One Stop Body Shock!

Experience this total body "plateau proof fitness formula" workout, utilizing resistance and cardio training, which masterfully combines Resistance, Intervals, Power, Plyometrics, Endurance, and Diet components of R.I.P.P.E.D. to help you attain and maintain your physique in ways that are fun, safe, doable and extremely effective...


RIPPED4Kids - a unique fitness formula to get kids fit while having fun moving to music.

RHYTHM: Movement to beats from around the world. Improve coordination while enhancing musicality, and increase self-esteem through body awareness and fluidity.

INTERVALS: Super fun high-intensity conditioning with bouts of active recovery to improve speed and cardiovascular capacity, performed with a certain amount of playfulness.

POWER: It’s all about muscles: what they are, how they work, and how to train them to become stronger and perform better for sports and daily life.

PLYOMETRICS: Explosive movements designed to work both the cardiovascular system and large muscle groups. Our familiar sports-based moves aid in agility, coordination and landing safely.

ENDURANCE: Mental and physical fortitude. Simple mixed martial arts routines teach kids basic self-defense techniques while helping them move to a musical beat, understand choreography and acquire new and exciting skills.

DIET & Nutrition: Helpful tips on how to eat healthfully, how to stabilize blood sugar and simply feel and perform better using proper nutrition.  We offer recipes, snack ideas and meal makeovers to encourage a healthy awareness about food choices.




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